Floor Mounted

Experience complete freedom in your configurations with our floor mounted mVAC. The pumps, filter frame and vessels are all delivered as individual components, allowing them to be positioned in any required layout to fit the plant room. This way you can make optimal use of the available space at hand. The controller cabinet can be mounted to the wall and incorporates both the central controller and individual pump controllers. Your local installer can connect everything together for full flexibility

Frame Mounted

By stacking the pumps, the frame mounted mVAC combines a higher flow capability with a remarkably compact design. The fully duplexed bacterial filters are mounted on a separate frame, that can be bolted onto the pump frame, leading to a very space efficient layout. The controller panel is fitted next to the pump frame at user-friendly eye-level. All the serviceable components are easily accessible, ensuring a fast and straightforward maintenance.

Tank Mounted

The tank mounted mVAC provides an all-in-one vacuum package for smaller hospitals. By mounting the pumps and filters directly to the vessel, the smallest possible footprint is achieved. With a maximum of 3 pumps, this platform can deliver up to 1000 l/min. The bacterial filters are directly integrated into the interconnecting pipes. Tank mounted vacuum plants are easy to install as they come as plug & play units. This platform represents a robust quality at the lowest investment cost

Series B Medical Gas Outlet

Series B Medical Gas Outlets represent the standard in medical gas delivery, combining safety, functionality, and reliability. These outlets feature a design that minimizes maintenance complexities and enhances hygiene in healthcare settings. Their universal applicability makes them a dependable choice for medical facilities.

GEM Shield Medical Gas Outlet

Gem Shield BS Medical Gas Outlets are essential components in medical gas delivery systems, primarily used in hospitals. They serve as critical points of supply and connection for patient support systems like ventilators, masks, flow meters, and suction vacuum regulators. Designed to meet HTM standards and BS standards, these outlets ensure reliable and safe delivery of medical gases to patients.


These are secondary device connected through probe / connector after Outlet / Terminal Unit at the downstream of a Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS) to perform various medical suction procedures.


A bubble humidifier can be attached downstream of Medical Gas Flowmeter for the treatment of acute hypoxemic respiratory failures In ICU or high dependency wards, and require assistance with respiration to stabilize breathing and control blood gases. To prevent drying of airway passage associated with the inhalation of high flow Oxygen, warm humidified Oxygen is recommended relieving patient from therapy discomfort.

Flowmeter 0-15LPM

These are secondary device connected through probe / connector after Outlet / Terminal Unit at the downstream of a Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS) for Respiratory Therapy. These Flow-metering devices are designed to provide required flow of Oxygen or Air-Oxygen mixed gas from blender and regulate flow for oxygenation requirement. Calibrated at 4.2 bar (60 psi) this step-less regulation ensures precise flow and it is intended for use as a stand-alone device or with a blender.

Empowering healthcare with reliable and innovative medical solutions

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